Hello! Welcome to my blog.
This blog will be used to post submitted course work that I
find relevant to share. I hope that my viewers may pass along the URL from the
blog, if there is useful information posted for anyone you know. If not,
hopefully there is at least something on here that YOU, my audience, will find
beneficial to your learning.
If you look to the right-hand side of your screen, you will
notice a short list of tabs. These tabs are organized to better navigate you
through the blog. I will have a separate page for those of you who wish to view
curriculum documents. These can be found through a simple Google search,
however, if you are already visiting my blog, you may wish to access these
documents while reading through my posts.
The forum posts sections will show you a list of the required
readings and videos for that week. Beneath these resources, I will post the
forum question, as well as my response. These responses will be based off of
the resources, while stating my perspective on the topics. Feel free to leave a
Forum post titles/topics include:
- Suggestions to overcome social studies challenges
- Benefit of integrated curriculum
- Benefits of inquiry/project based learning
- Benefits of integrating Aboriginal Education
Forum post titles/topics include:
- Suggestions to overcome social studies challenges
- Benefit of integrated curriculum
- Benefits of inquiry/project based learning
- Benefits of integrating Aboriginal Education
I also will attach my Innovative lesson plan post. Hopefully
this will be useful for future reference, in the event that you may be teaching
a social studies unit where my unit plan review may come in handy.
Lastly, you will see a tab for my social studies unit plan
Please feel free to leave comments on anything you wish. I
may add tabs as the course continues if I find things are relevant and worth
Thanks for visiting!
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